Therapies on offer at Torbay Therapy Room

A note from Antonio:

I have been working in the health and wellbeing industry for the last three decades. During that period, I have professionally studied and practised several therapeutic systems with different purposes and efficacy, and seen many short- and long-term clients. I have come to the understanding that a great percentage of the disorders I have encountered, are in fact caused by lifestyle habits and routines, and therefore preventable.  Hence, I have been working on a educational and experiential program designed to provide clients with useful tools to improve their wellbeing. The program is named “Reframing” and I offer it here on this website - see link below.

Manual therapy Structural - Postural treatments

We are dynamic beings constantly adapting to both internal and external forces travelling through our bodies. Good posture can be seen as the ability of our body to achieve the most efficient structural alignment to maximise both safety and performance in whatever tasks we are involved.  A less optimal posture often produces structural “weak links” which may make injuries more likely, as well as lead to wear and tear of joints, muscle tension, and body aches.

If an inefficient posture is held for long enough, it tends to evolve into a semi-permanent postural pattern that may reduce biomechanical efficiency, and freedom of movement, as well as cause compression of internal organs, potentially affecting general health and wellbeing. 

Antonio’s combination of manual therapy and body work focuses not only directly on posture, but it also emphasises education and the building of body awareness to support and assist long term positive postural changes and organ health.  

60 MINUTES $100

Deep Tissue /Sports Massage, Trigger point Therapy, Myofascial & Positional Release

Antonio is fully trained in several Manual Therapy modalities. He offers a combination of techniques to assist in the management of a diverse range of common ailments such as muscle tension and pain, physical injuries, stress, and posture-related disorders, as well as specifically-designed treatments tailored to improve sports performance and well-being.

60 MINUTES $100

Visceral Manual Therapy

The health of the viscera (or internal organs) is essential for an optimal wellbeing, as they are responsible for many all the core body functions that keep us alive.

The internal organs are supported by myofascial, and ligamentous structures which support them while still allowing them the space and movement essential to perform their functions.  Like all body structures, viscera are also susceptible to compressive and tensile stress that can impair their functionality. This can happen due structural stress due to posture, injury and ageing as well as emotional and mental stress or in relation to illness and numerous health conditions.

Visceral Manual Therapy is a form of soft gentle massage to enhance general gut functionality and health by restoring the inner space required, as well as by addressing any forces that may be interfering with gut function.

Antonio, during his 4 years as a university medical student, learned in-depth human anatomy and physiology. He then expanded his knowledge and skills through numerous trainings in visceral and structural manual therapy. Antonio approaches visceral and gut health with manual therapy in a systemic way, not just treating the symptomatic areas but looking at any postural or structural patterns that could affect the functionality of the internal organs.

60 MINUTES $100

Myoskeletal Alignment Technique

Myoskeletal Alignment Technique is a postural balance and a pain management which combines the principles of osteopathy and structural integration to address the joint dysfunction caused by trauma and/or dysfunctional postural patterns such as forward head postures, slumped shoulders and scoliosis. 
The therapist will perform a physical examination to identify gross body asymmetries and uses a soft tissue treatment approach to systematically release deep spinal muscles, ligaments and fibrotic joint capsules to encourage structural realignment bio mechanical efficiency.

60 MINUTES $100

Hot Stone & Relaxation Massage

A combination of standard Swedish, deep tissue and hot stone massage techniques to promote general relaxation and reduce muscle tension and pain.

60 MINUTES $120



Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality and a main component of Chinese Medicine. It consists of the insertion of very fine needles into selected points to balance the Qi and blood circulation of the body to enhance and support the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
The pain-relieving effects of acupuncture can be explained by both Chinese Medicine (restoring a smooth flow of Qi within the Meridian Channels system) and in Western science (promoting the release of local and systemic natural pain killers as well as anti-inflammatory chemicals).
Needle insertion is usually painless but in some cases a variety of feelings like tingling, twitching, ache, numbness, cramping, electrical sensations can be experienced.
Treatment length is about 1 hour which includes inquiry and assessment of the client’s condition; as well as discussion of the prognosis and client’s personal goals and expectations. The number of treatments vary with the nature of the condition. However, improvement is usually felt after or before the third treatment

60 Minutes Treatment $100


Contact us for further information and booking